
Saving, loading and other relevant operations of file-like objects.

Data saving

save_pickle(pickle_data, path_to_pickle[, ...])

Save data to a Pickle file.

save_spreadsheet(spreadsheet_data, ...[, ...])

Save data to a CSV or an Microsoft Excel file.

save_spreadsheets(spreadsheets_data, ...[, ...])

Save data to a multi-sheet Microsoft Excel file.

save_json(json_data, path_to_json[, method, ...])

Save data to a JSON file.

save_joblib(joblib_data, path_to_joblib[, ...])

Save data to a Joblib file.

save_feather(feather_data, path_to_feather)

Save a dataframe to a Feather file.

save_svg_as_emf(path_to_svg, path_to_emf[, ...])

Save a SVG file (.svg) as a EMF file (.emf).

save_fig(path_to_fig_file[, dpi, verbose, ...])

Save a figure object to a file of a supported file format.

save_web_page_as_pdf(web_page, path_to_pdf)

Save a web page as a PDF file by wkhtmltopdf.

save_data(data, path_to_file[, warning])

Save data to a file of a specific format.

Data loading

load_pickle(path_to_pickle[, verbose])

Load data from a Pickle file.

load_csv(path_to_csv[, delimiter, header, ...])

Load data from a CSV file.

load_spreadsheets(path_to_spreadsheet[, ...])

Load multiple sheets of an Microsoft Excel file.

load_json(path_to_json[, method, verbose])

Load data from a JSON file.

load_joblib(path_to_joblib[, verbose])

Load data from a joblib file.

load_feather(path_to_feather[, verbose, index])

Load a dataframe from a Feather file.

load_data(path_to_file[, warning])

Load data from a file.

File decompression

unzip(path_to_zip_file[, out_dir, verbose])

Extract data from a zipped (compressed) file.

seven_zip(path_to_zip_file[, out_dir, mode, ...])

Extract data from a compressed file by using 7-Zip.

File conversion

markdown_to_rst(path_to_md, path_to_rst[, ...])

Convert a Markdown file (.md) to a reStructuredText (.rst) file.

xlsx_to_csv(xlsx_pathname[, csv_pathname, ...])

Convert Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (in the format .xlsx/.xls) to a CSV file.